„Sarah Lidl schafft durch ihre einfühlsame, individuelle und unkonventionelle Herangehensweise einen entspannten und angstfreien Zugang zum Thema Stimme.“

Anschi Hacklinger, Kontrabass – Gesang – Piano

„Stimmigeren Unterricht kann ich mir für mich gar nicht vorstellen. Wenn man bereit ist, ist es möglich sofort an die innersten Stimmungen und Schwingungen zu gelangen und wird von ihr dabei hervorragend begleitet. Ich kann sie jedem nur wärmstens ans Stimmband legen!“

Miriam Brenner, Schauspiel – Musik – Clownerie

„I’d like to start off by saying that Sarah Lidl is a truly beautiful person and teacher. She has a lot of different kinds of information to share, not only about the voice, but about the body and the connection between the two.

For my husband and I, Sarah guided us through a gentle exploration of our own bodies so that each of us could find our unique voice. We had sessions with her has a couple and we had sessions apart, each time practicing beautiful exercises that were tailored specifically for our own individual needs. We learned how to open our range of sound, access deeper more profound breathing and over time we began to feel more free to express ourselves through making new sounds and by the end we were starting to sing together. We each walked away from the experience with something different, but what we both shared was the feeling that we not only learned how to sing better, but that we could use singing as form of self healing.

Sarah’s warmth and generosity makes her a very valuable teacher. Learning from her was a great pleasure and we recommend her highly.”

Kelly and Cyril Rabbath,
Tanz-Jonglage / Gop-Variete – Cirque du soleil

„Ich kann die Arbeit von Sarah Lidl nur jedem sehr ans Herz legen, der mehr auf seine eigene Stimme hören will“

Michi Marchner-Dichter-Denker-Wortverrenker